Top Ten Tummy Tuck Trends in 2021 – Best Practices in Abdominoplasty Surgery
What is a tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure in which excess fat and skin is removed from the lower abdomen or belly. The muscles are then brought together, while sutures are used to tighten the connective tissues found in the abdomen. This technique is used to restore the stomach and create a smoother and firmer abdominal profile.
Most patients choose to have the surgery to help boost their self-confidence. Or, to improve their body contours and reduce their sagging tummy skin post-pregnancy or weight loss.
Furthermore, an abdominoplasty can remove stretch marks and excess skin in the lower abdomen, as that skin is often removed. However, it cannot remove any stretch marks found outside the lower abdomen area.
This procedure can also be done simultaneously with other plastic surgery procedures, for example, when combined with any breast surgery it creates a ‘mummy makeover‘ package.
10 Top Tummy Tuck Trends – Dr Manish Champaneria
• Use of liposuction in a tummy tuck – Lipoabdominoplasty
• Inclusion of a mons lift
• Use of permanent deep muscle repair
• Placing the incision scars as low as possible to hide them
• Belly button placement, for an optimal look
• Low pain and painless surgery techniques
• The tendency towards ‘drain less‘ surgery – avoiding drains where possible
• Early mobilization for a better recovery
• Minimising tummy tuck scar
• Undertsanding the different types of tummy tuck
Use of liposuction in conjunction with the tummy tuck – Trend #1
Liposuction allows for greater fat removal and shaping of the tummy during a tummy tuck. This is done through shaping and contouring the middle, front to back, and side to side parts of the tummy. Liposuction and abdominoplasty surgery can be combined into a procedure known as a Lipo-Abdominoplasty.
One of the benefits of using liposuction as a part of the procedure is that it can assist Dr Champaneria to achieve a more sculpted and contoured final result, especially in the upper pubic area.
Inclusion of a mons lift during the tummy tuck surgery – Trend # 2
A mons lift, also known as a pubic lift is the second top tummy tuck trend among patients wanting tummy tuck surgery. This procedure reduces a protruding mons pubis.
The mons pubis refers to the area or mound above the female genitalia. Also known as the pooch or FUPA (Fatty Upper Pelvic Area). This area can bulge out slightly and can be caused by ageing, weight gain, carrying children, previous surgery or genetics.
While a tummy tuck will flatten your stomach it can, unfortunately, make your mons pubis look more prominent. That is why some patients require/request the mons lift as a part of their procedure. A nicely contoured mons, in addition to a tummy tuck, can not only give you an overall better look and feel, from an aesthetic view but also a functional one.
Use of permanent deep muscular repair of stomach muscles – Trend #3
In simple terms, permanent deep muscle repair is repairing the abdominal muscles by surgically bringing them back together after they have been stretched out. This stretching can be caused by pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, medical conditions and other factors.
Unfortunately, it does not matter how much you exercise or how many sit-ups you do, it will not fix separated stomach muscles. In order to correct muscle separation, surgery is needed. The split muscles need to be fixed in both horizontal and vertical planes. During the procedure, permanent sutures are used to stitch the edges of the muscles together.
Repairing separated muscles is not only about getting rid of loose skin and flattening the stomach, in some cases, it can also assist in reducing back pain and incontinence issues.
Placing the incision scars as low as possible – Trend #4
While scars are an unfortunate part of any surgery they are a small inconvenience when compared to the benefits of the surgery. However, it comes as no surprise that around 90% of patients want their incision scars as low as possible (below their underwear line). And, while your surgeon will do their best to ensure this happens, in some cases, it isn’t always possible. However, what can and cannot be achieved will be discussed in your consult with Dr Champaneria. We are all different shapes and sizes and not all tummy tucks are performed the same way.
Belly button placement and design – Trend #5
During your surgery, your navel/belly button will be repositioned. With the tissue removal and skin tightening if your belly button was not repositioned it could end up sitting on the mons. And, no one wants that, so the surgeon will relocate it without removing it completely.
Pain-free or minimal pain recovery – Trend #6
Some pain, swelling and bruising are to be expected in the initial post-operative days but every day it will get easier. In saying that everyone has a different pain threshold and will experience post-operative pain differently.
Rest is vital. It’s natural that patients want to get back to their daily routine as soon as possible but doing this can actually make recovery longer if you hurt yourself or split stitches etc. In other words, you need to follow the advice of your surgeon.
Furthermore, any pain can be managed easily with medication and rest. While resting can lessen the strain on your tummy muscles we do still encourage you to gently move around your house as soon as you can to help keep the blood flowing through the body.
The tendency towards ‘drain less’ surgery (avoiding the use of drains where possible) – Trend #7
While one of the top trends is to avoid drains when doing tummy tuck procedures they are sometimes necessary to achieve the best, safest outcome. There are specific surgical techniques that help lessen the use of drains, such as; deep quilting sutures and other sophisticated and aesthetic interventions.
If ever a drain tube is necessary, it is important that you listen to the instructions on how to take care and handle the drains post-surgery.
Get Moving but take it easy – Early mobilization helps – Trend #8
As stated previously, we encourage patients to move about, (within reason) in such a way that does not put strain on the body. Blood clots are a risk of any surgery and not moving increases this risk.
Another disadvantage of staying in bed for prolonged periods is the loss of muscle mass, as well as back and neck pain. In the hours after the surgery, there should be a supervised appropriate guard mobilization process for the patient.
The day after surgery, the patient should walk around slowly. It is important to stretch the muscles but not too much. Exercise should be avoided for at least 4 weeks and you should consult with your surgeon to ensure you can ease back into it. However, strenuous exercise is not recommended for 6 weeks.
Minimizing Tummy Tuck Scars – Taking care of your healing for a better-looking scar result – Trend #9
After your surgery, dressings will be applied to the incision area. A compression garment will also be used to prevent swelling and minimize the chance of blood clots forming. The compression garment is used to support your bodies midsection. It should be worn at all times, except when you shower or when it is in the wash. Furthermore, the compression bandage should be worn for approximately six weeks after the surgery. While the previous post-surgery top tummy tuck trend can help you have a speedy and painless recovery, there are other ways you can care for your wound to improve scars after the surgery.
Undertsanding the different types of tummy tuck — Trend #10
There are four different types of tummy tuck procedures you can opt for: classic, mini, extended, and fleur de lis.
Classic: This kind of “full tummy tuck” removes excess skin and fat from the area between your pubic bone and belly button. It is also excellent for tightening the abdominal muscles.
Mini: Mini tummy tucks use a smaller incision and only removes skin from the lower abdominal area without affecting the navel or abdominal muscles.
Extended: In this version of the tummy tuck, the cosmetic surgeon removes excess skin and improves muscle laxity in the hip region and above; the incision spans from the hips to the back.
Fleur de Lis: This type of procedure is ideal for those who with significant weight loss who want to contour their body; in it, excess fat and skin are eliminated from the stomach area. This method uses a vertical incision instead of a horizontal one like the other version of the tummy tuck.
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